Answer and explanation:
a) The plate tectonics is a theory that suggests that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle (rocky inner layer above the core), there are seven major plates that make up 94% of the Earth's surface and many smaller plates making up the other 6% (I annexed a map of those tectonic plates). The tectonic plates are in motion (presumably since the beginning of time), the movement of the plates creates three types of tectonic boundaries:<em> convergent </em>(plates move into one another); <em>divergent </em>(plates move apart); and <em>transform</em> (plates move sideways in relation to each other).
b)The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is a divergent tectonic plate or constructive plate boundary located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. <em>The MAR developed as a consequence of the divergent motion between the Eurasian and North American, and African and South American Plates</em>
c) In areas where the plates come together, sometimes volcanoes will form, they can also form in the middle of a plate, in places called "hot spots" where magma rises upward until it erupts on the seafloor. The Hawaiian Islands<em> were formed by such a hot spot occurring in the middle of the Pacific Plate.</em>
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
The continental plate is less dense that the oceanic plate and so sinks underneath the oceanic plate. The oceanic plate holds water and so when the continental plate sinks underneath it, the water from the oceanic plate covers the continental plate.
Market gardening and orchard farming are closely related to horticulture, which concerns the growing of fruits and vegetables.
Typically, hard structures like bones, shells, and teeth fossilize more often than soft-bodied structures like tissues or plant leaves, but as is seen with the horsetail relative, plants can become fossils