A main character can have any morality whether that be good or bad. Hero's journey is a template for writing a story as such, but it's an informal fallacy to say all main characters are heros.
An ideal fictional hero would be one who has relatable qualities and isn't a 'dues ex machina'. One who makes it out alive just because. I prefer one who works hard to achieve their goals in selfless acts.
Guts from berserk personally is my favorite hero. He starts off his hero's journey as a knight/sword for hire without a purpose and slowly finds his purpose when forced to join a mercenary group known as the band of the hawk. It's interesting because for once, we see a character find his reason for his existence rather than have one in place for him.
hope this helps :)
There was a time when you couldn't search, text, or post,
You could only read, ask, and hope.
There wasn't social media,
No Wikipedia.
Only one huge encyclopedia.
You couldn't call a friend,
Unless on a landline,
The only problem was that took a very long time.
You couldn't click a button and get a perfect picture,
And when it came to phones, parents now are way sticter.
I love this future that we call the present,
But always remember that technology wasn't always this pleasant.
Good luck!
There is always hope even when life seems hopeless. Just keep going and don't stop.