Hi. You have not shown the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.
To answer this question, you will need to read the entire text, understand the theme and the central topic of the text, and then reread paragraph 16. The text theme is the message it wants to promote and the topic is the subject being presented in the text. For this to be developed in paragraph 16, this paragraph will need to show how this theme and topic actually apply, or the paragraph must present evidence to show that the topic and topic are real and true. In other words, we can state that this paragraph should show that it should stimulate the understanding of the topic and theme of the text, making them more palpable and identifiable for the reader.
"That's the way, my brothers; that's the way." At last a small duck of the diver family, thinking there was something wrong, opened one eye and saw what Manabozho was doing. Giving a spring, and crying: "Ha-ha- a! Manabozho is killing us!" he made a dash for the water.
I would most likely to ask him in the first place to put his share in the work. I will ask the team members to help him if he is unable to understand the work. But if he is not doing his work just because he is too lazy to do that, then i would ask my supervisor or the team manager to give him warning and if he continues to do so, then we would least likely to demand of his firing out of the team.
Which excerpt are we referring to with this?