C. The Romans invaded Judea and forced the Jews to scatter.
Greene’s campaign inflicted heavy losses on the British.
Spanish-American War on 1898 was caused by the Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894) or
the American tariff. It put hold on the exporting of sugar form Cube to United
States and sugarhad a big impact on the Cuban economy at that time making
American investors worry for their businesses as well. After the war, United
States was able to make improvements on Cuba’s sytems. This gave US the
opportunity to implement Platt Amendment, making countries like Cuba to be
subtly colonies again,. This angered the colonized countries forming into
rebellion against the US.</span>
Greek and Roman are bedrock of the classical culture of Western civilization.
From Greece we inherited a political system and governing model called democracy which flourished in Athens many centuries before our era. The great Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle left us their thinking and philosophy that are the first major works on society and politics, ethics, morality, government. Greek mythology, adopted by the Romans, provided stories and enduring symbols in Western cultures, as well as magnificent inspiration for some of the best Western art and literature. Greek comedy and tragedy are the first major heights of world theater, and Homer gave us the Iliad and the Odyssey. Greek and Roman architecture still serve as models for many of our modern buildings. Thanks to Herodotus, the first world historian, we know about the Medic Wars and the conquests of Alexander the Great.
Rome inherited us also great thinkers, writers, speakers, the art of oratory. From Roman governing system, we have inherited an institution that still exists today in modern democracies: the Senate. Latin , the Roman people´s language, was adopted as the official language of the Catholic Church and of scholars for many centuries; it is the mother of contemporary Romanic languages such as French, Italian and Spanish.
I'm working on the exact same project...
I know this isn't too helpful, but I think each 'seven' mentioned is possibly a time...
seven 'sevens' = 7 weeks
sixty-two 'sevens' = 62 weeks, over a year
Agin I'm sorry this isn't too helpful...