Well i'm gonna go on ahead and tell you that even smart kids get lazy at times but what you can do is if you don't know good studying techniques, research some studying techniques and apply them until you have found the right one and try to push yourself when you start to slack off or get lazy. That's what I do when I get lazy and I also remind myself that i'm better than that and I need to focus on my work and not slack off. But I mean there's a lot you can do to help you out you just need to find it. I hope I was able to help you out.
The demand for effective crime control often conflicts with the requirements of the law and considerations of legality.
There’s three types. Visual, manual, and cognitive. Let’s take driving as our example. A visual distraction is taking your eyes off the road, a manual distraction is taking your hands off the wheel and cognitive is taking your mind off the road as you drive
yeah it's B.
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go to dojobird and learn Japanese. I heard that it's the best website and is VERY beginner friendly. My seester used it and now she speaks as though she's a japanknees