The answer D is not true. Indeed, it started on june 1948 and ended on the 12 may 1949 !
The Supreme Court during chief justice Earl Warren's16 year tenure made decisions that impacted and continue to impact the lives of Americans to date. The Warren court was not only devoted to protecting the rights of citizens, but also expanding them.
Yes, without the murders of the English traders.
D) Obtaining financial compensation is an important motivation for filing wrongful-termination lawsuits.
A wrongful-termination lawsuit is an incentive for employees to suit their employers because of the prospect of financial gain. This makes hiring riskier for firms, because there is always the possiblity, however remote, that a new hire might sue the firm in the future if she or she is dimissed.
Under these panorama, economists have gone about reaserching if there is any correlation between wrongful-termination laws, and the results have been consistent in showing that such correlation exists. Therefore, many economists recommend not only the termination of such laws, but also the removal of other laws that reduce labor flexibility.
Yes. They wanted to declare their rights against the King because they were being treated unfairly.