-Ustedes vienen con nosotros
-Carmen tiene sed
-Nosotros venimos al mediodía
-Muchas personas tienen miedo de hablar en público
-Yo vengo con Andrea
I hope that’s helpful
Answer: i don’t know if you need it anymore but it would be “van al”
When you write the question their should be 3 signs on the bottom left
The very left one is for equations the middle one is for symbols and the right one is for inserting pictures you click on it and it brings up the pictures you have and you drag it to where you want it
sometimes if your on pc you can't drag it you need to click on the pic you want then on the bottom of it click open
Una cláusula típicamente introducida por una conjunción que forms parte y depende de una cláusula principle
Treinta y siete actos
Son treinta y siete actos.