To be found in ¨The Age of Extremes¨ by Eric Hobsbawm
Hobsbawm states that the Cold War was based on a Western belief, absurd in retrospect but natural enough in the aftermath of the Second World War, that the Age of Catastrophe was by no means at an end. J.F. Kennedy, one of the most overrated presidents according to Hobsbawm, shows this belief by saying: ´The enemy is the communist system itself... this is a struggle for supremacy between two conflicting ideologies: freedom under God versus ruthless, godless tyranny.´
It is exactly this democratic freedom that ironically fueled the Cold War fire.
Where the Sovjet government didn´t have to bother about winning votes the U.S. government did.
Another element that contributed to move confrontation from the realm of reason to that of emotion was the schizoid demand of the vote-sensitive politicians to roll back the tide of ¨communist aggression¨.
On the other side of the globe the Sovjet government, with a country and economy in ruins after the Second World War, they needed all the economic help they could get to survive. So on any rational assessment the U.S.S.R. presented no immediate danger.
It's economy droped.
During WWII a lot of money went for weapons, and by the end of it and we entered the Great Depression cause of it.
A. Urban II
These incursions prompted the emperor of Byzantium, Alexius I Comnenus to send a delegation to Piacenza, Italy, asking Pope Urban II in March 1095 for help against the Turks. On November 27, 1095, in Clermont, France, Pope Urban II called for a crusade to help the Byzantines and to free the city of Jerusalem.
D. Both B and D
The 'Middle Ages' are called this because it is the time between the fall of Imperial Rome and the beginning of the Early modern Europe. The Dark Ages are given this name because Europe was in disarray in comparison to the orderliness of classical antiquity and life was short and poor.
hope i helped