According to the author, Registering with selective service is an important but onerous civic duty from which women have historically been excluded in the United States. Affirmative action” means positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded.
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computers and internet facility
A few years ago, it seems a major problems for the people living in the remote areas and rural areas to get access to good quality medical facility. They had to rely on the local treatment. But after the invention of computers and the use of internet, it has made a revolution in this area.
People now can use computers to get information about any medical care they want to without visiting far off medical unit. Also they can get the help and medical care from the specialist when the specialist donot live in the area near to the people. The specialist can also advice these patients through video interactions on the computer. Thus this technology has made it easier for the doctors and the specialist to collaborate with the patients living in the far away places.
Federalism, or the dual roles of state and national government, is part of the system of sharing power in government. Within the system of separate powers, however, the framers of the Constitution provided for "national" or "federal" supremacy. This meant that the national government was supreme in regards to many issues in relation to state governments, as enumerated by the Constitution.
The Glorious Revolution had a drastic effect on government in that it greatly restricted the rights of the Monarchy, in favor of the Parliament, which consisted of representatives elected by the citizenry.