I want to say A, but the length of an article or publication does not verify its authenticity or give any indication of its accuracy.
Miriam Webster defines diction as: choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness.
So with that said, I think the clearest and most obvious answer is D, “works cited and diction.“ Diction, as noted above, is very clear and effective and offers a persuasive argument and it also provides a very clear works cited page so that references can be checked and verified by the one needing the information From the electronics stores to be as accurate as possible. I would definitely go with D.
B. It highlights that new journeys require saying goodbye to familiar people and things.
Congrats on the baby! or something, keep it sweet and positive.
Answer: the benefits of recreational are mental health wellness, it is critical to overall physical health. Participating in recreational activities helps manage stress. Taking time to nature for ones self provides a sense of balance and self esteem. Which can directly reduce anxiety and depression
uncontrollably‘ is a verb phrase.
are simply known as the ‘action’ words – may it be mental, physical or
mechanical. When verbs are paired with auxiliaries (helping verbs), they are
known as verb phrase. These helping verbs always go first before the actual
verb. We consider it a phrase instead of
‘sneezing’ because of the comma, it emphasized the phrase. Sneezing if it had
been a direct object or subject could be gerund, but unfortunately, not on this