Answer: Diocletian
The term diocese is used to define the regional area of a bishop's influence in the Roman Catholic church.
Ironically, the term diocese is related to the name of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who was one of the worst persecutor of Christians.
Answer: Simply stated, Space Management involves the management of a company's physical space inventory. Whether you realize it or not, every organization manages their space one way or another.
British raj, period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent from 1858 until the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947. The raj succeeded management of the subcontinent by the British East India Company, after general distrust and dissatisfaction with company leadership resulted in a widespread mutiny of sepoy troops in 1857, causing the British to reconsider the structure of governance in India. The British government took possession of the company’s assets and imposed direct rule. The raj was intended to increase Indian participation in governance, but the powerlessness of Indians to determine their own future without the consent of the British led to an increasingly adamant national independence movement.
Though trade with India had been highly valued by Europeans since ancient times, the long route between them was subject to many potential obstacles and obfuscations from middlemen, making trade unsafe, unreliable, and expensive. This was especially true after the collapse of the Mongol empire and the rise of the Ottoman Empire all but blocked the ancient Silk Road. As Europeans, led by the Portuguese, began to explore maritime navigation routes to bypass middlemen, the distance of the venture required merchants to set up fortified posts.
hope this helped =) sorry if i didnt help you i hope i helped u other peeps =)
who need help with math im ur guy ^w^
Maya because of the time the tribes, and revolutionizing Into the Aztecs
It provided funding to research the cure for Ebola
bola is an acute viral infectious disease that produces hemorrhagic fever in humans and primates (monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees), caused by the Ebola virus, which was first described in 1976 by Dr. David Finkes, when presented several cases of hemorrhagic fever in Zaire and Sudan. The name of the virus is due to the Ebola River, geographically located in Zaire. The Ebola virus is one of two members of a family of RNA viruses (ribonucleic acid) called Filoviridae.
Currently, people at risk of hemorrhagic fever due to Ebola virus are considered to be those with a history of travel to sub-Saharan Africa, people who care for infected patients, as well as workers who are in contact with infected primates of origin. African.