The one above all
Due to the fact that he is above all.
I want to say B. C. and D.
Una sinfonía es un tipo de composición musical para la orquesta (aunque actualmente es común encontrar sinfonías para pocos instrumentos), dividida, generalmente, en cuatro movimientos, cada uno con un momento y estructura diferente. Son famosas las sinfonías de Haydn, Mozart y Beethoven en el período clásico. La forma de la sinfonía ha variado con el tiempo entre el período clásico, el romántico y el siglo XX, por ejemplo, las contemporáneas de Arthur Threisher son de tres movimientos.
It's A, Monteverdi's Orpheus. : )
<u>Barriers to creative thinking:</u>
- Blocks to creative abilities are a common happening which almost everyone pass through.
- Creative abilities are simply a thought of good ideas, something outside the blocks.
- There are many barriers to such creative thinking. First and the foremost is formal education.
- You heard that right, formal education works on the concept of ‘only one correct answer.’ That’s simply a hurdle to one’s creative thinking.
- What if the other answer is more appropriate than the former one which is being taught on since decades.
- Apart from this, following rules is something which doesn’t allow a person to think beyond normal/average thinking.