A free summary of The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. Once the ship arrives in Wethersfield, Kit must fess up: her aunt's family. New information: Kit learns that Nat, the captain's son, is also a friend of . Well, as luck would have it, John confesses to Kit one day that he is also in love with Mercy
hope this helps
1. His memories will reflect on to other people
just trying to remember it
Well, a New York state wildlife expert, Richard Thomas, decided to answer that question some years back. He found that, while a woodchuck doesn't actually chuck wood, they do in fact chuck quite a bit of dirt when digging out a burrow. On a good day they can chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt (or about 700 pounds)
Deserving hatred and contempt.
1. They both use balls to play.
2. In both the players have to run.
1. In baseball the players wear a different type of clothing than in basketball.