It shows Donne in a non-serious playful mood. The poet's satirical vein finds full play, and the poem fully justifies Leishman's praise of Donne as, the monarch of wit. As usual, the emotional situation is defined in the very beginning. The poet is dejected and down-hearted because his beloved has rejected him.
The accident of the Columbia space shuttle made the repairs to the Hubble microscope uncertain, as well as the future of this telescope.
The Hubble telescope was a major scientific breakthrough, both in terms of its creation and its launch. It has been in space for over thirty years and there is no date for its shutdown.
This telescope needs maintenance in order to function effectively, however this maintenance has not been done for some time and it is uncertain when it will happen. This uncertainty is an effect that the Columbia space shuttle accident caused. That's because Columbia was responsible for maintaining Hubble, but it exploded when it returned to Earth, killing the entire crew. This made the telescope's repairs uncertain, expensive and dangerous, discouraging its execution.
taxi, Empire State Building, corner, Fifth Avenue, at(?) West 54th Street.
Well a noun is a person place or thing. Street numbers are nouns as well. A is an indefinite article. I am not a 100% sure this is correct but from my perspective thats what it is. At is either a preposition or a noun. In this situation, I believe it is a noun.
It can help them not be so strict and use their imagination more often with their kids
What is something that you wrote that you are proud of is essentially what it is asking.