<u><em>24th amendment.</em></u>
Prior to 24th amendment the citizens had to pay fee to vote in national election. The fee was collected as poll tax. It was abolished by ratifying the 24th amendment, it prohibited both state and federal government from charging any poll tax in the elections. Congress proposed it to the states on August 27, 1962 and the states ratified it on January 23, 1964.
The poll tax was first levied by the southern states in the 1800's. Although 15th amendment gave the former slaves right to vote the blacks were not able to vote as they did not had enough money.
Since All other answers Talk about The Soviet union, When in the last statement in the timeline it says "The soviet Union Falls apart"
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An initiative comes from the public
Latin American country : Argentina
8 questions (& answers) about Argentina's government & politics :
What is basic framework of Argentina's politics : It's framework is based on constitutionally defined 'federal presidential representative democratic republic'
Who is the head of Argentina's state & government : It is the President
Who is Argentina's current president : He is Alberto Fernandez
How is Argentina's legislative power arranged ? : It is in the two chambers of their National Congress (Upper & Lower House)
What is the nature of Argentina's judiciary? : It is independent of legislature, executive
Political representatives are selected in which way? : They are selected on the basis of multi party election
Which are some of the main political parties ? : They are Judicialist Party, Radical Civic Union
Which are some of important political pressure groups : Argentine Rural Society, Argentine Industrial Union