Phone capabilities and fitness monitoring
In the computer graphics, the vectors are basically used to compose various type of components. In the computer graphics it is basically known as vector graphics and it is composed of various types of components.
The operation of the vector in the computer vector is that it is basically used to create the digital images by the use of mathematical statement and command.
It is used to place the lines and the shape in the two- dimension and three- dimension spaces. IN the computer graphics, vectors are also used to represent the particular direction of the various objects.
Nope, he is a BOT not a MOD. He is made to run for this purpose only. He used to give answers in but now he is used for deleting useless answers and questions, to welcome a new user and acts as a server bot.
You can also call "TheBrain" as AI
The code to this question can be given as:
public class Book //define class.
private String title, author; //define variable.
Book(String a, String b) //define parameterized constructor.
title = a; //holding value.
author = b;
public String toString() //string function
return title + "\n" + author; //return value.
In the above java code firstly we declare the class book that name is already given in the question. Then we declare the private variable that datatype is string author and title. Then we declare the parameterized constructor. In the parameterized constructor we use the private variable for hold constructor parameter value. Then we declare the tostring() function in this function we return value of the title and author variable.