Answer: Errors that occur during DNA replication lead to mutations, which represent permanent, heritable changes in genetic material. These errors can pass from parent cell to daughter cells and affect many generations of cells.
Protists = eukaryotic organisms tgat are mostly classfies as unicellular/ mostly seperate nuclear division phases of mitosis doesnt occur
for now we know that it is not d (bacteria) or a (too board)
c and b show describe a word called 'cell specialisation'
i think the answer is c since it is said to be mostly unicellular and we know that single cell doesnt have much specilaised cell
A paradigm shift is a major change in the concepts and practices of how something works or is accomplished.
A paradigm shift very often happens when new technology is introduced that radically alters the production process of a good or service.
Although the idea of paradigms has been around for quite some time, the concept was explored by physicist and philosopher Thomas Kahn Kuhn.
Answer:A, C, D
Abstract. Technology has influenced the world in many positive ways. ... Unfortunately, research shows that mobile technology is affecting communication in a negative way when it comes to sociability and face-to-face communication. Researchers have found that mobile technology can decrease communication and intimacy.
The answer to this question would be false.
The solute is a substance that was dissolved by the solvent. The amount of solute that can be dissolved is called solubility. The amount of solute mostly small and if it solubility too high it will be precipitated.
There are no rules state that solute should always be the greatest amount.