Mankind seems to learn very little from anything -- good or bad. There are many things you could say about Natural Gas or Oil, but one thing that neither one could do is create another Chernobyl.
People are saying that the cleanest and most efficient way to go would be to use Nuclear Power Plants. I admit that Gas and oil create their own set of environmental problems, but nothing as far reaching as something lasting 35 years as Chernobyl has done
Scientists are bewildered by Chernobyl heating up again. They cannot explain why let alone what can be done. Each of the alternate energy choices have their problems and have their ill effects on the environment.
ok so then yeah and t lotlf xqc is wirfd<v
Explanation: yeha so weere good so 5 pookikns
that statement is False
All states in the United States have enacted balanced budget amendments. But the amendments is still a grey area in Vermont since they technically still hasn't be able to fulfill the balanced budget amendments
Como formación económico-social, el feudalismo se inició en la Antigüedad tardía con la transición del modo de producción esclavista al feudal, a partir de la crisis del siglo III y, sobre todo, con la disolución del Imperio romano de Occidente (siglo V) y la formación de los reinos germánicos y el Imperio carolingio