Dear -----,
It has been so boring this summer. During my free time my mom just makes me clean all day. She even made me organize the garage in 110 weather. Good thing that I get paid for babysitting though so I can go out with my friends later. I love to listen to music in general so when I'm helping my mom I just pop in my earphones and start working. I hope you have had a better break then I have.
Just put the names of the people
when is it due? :) so I can write it for you do I start now or later?
I dunno
I really dunno because I dunno and this needs to be 20 characters long so honestly I dunno
1. wife.
2. seconds.
3. an angel.
4. world
5. lining up
Uncle anoosh
Where to start with Uncle Anoosh? He fills in pieces of Marji's family history, and his experiences come across to her as entertaining and heroic. He begins by telling her of his experience with Uncle Fereydoon. Fereydoon and his friends liberated the northwestern Iranian province of Azerbaijan from the influences of the shah. (This is not to be confused with, at that time, the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan). After his success, Anoosh asks to work with Fereydoon. When he goes, he notices that Fereydoon has been arrested. Anoosh flees to his family's home. Realizing that he cannot stay there, he is forced to flee to the Soviet Union.
Anoosh earns a doctorate in Marxism-Leninism during his stay in Moscow and Leningrad. This course of study clearly indicates that he is a communist. While in the Soviet Union, he marries a Russian woman, and they have two children together. Unfortunately, things between them do not work out and they divorce. Having no further reason to stay in the Soviet Union, he attempts to go back home to Iran to see his family. While passing through border security, he is recognized and immediately arrested.