1. They Allies set the terms for the Japanese surrender at the Potsdam Conference
This speech was unusual because in this speech,Theodora shows her determination to face death and her determination to fight with her husband because death is inevitable 3.
The comparison between Portuguese and Dutch trade in Asia is done below
- Monopoly of spice trade
- possessed trading post empires
- Later practiced colonial form of domination instead of trading post empires
- Attention geared towards Indonesia
- Attempt to control the shipping business
- Unrest in trade due to less value placed on European trade goods
- Raiding of ships and getting away it in order to circumvent monopolistic behaviors
- The Muslims who were monopolistic in spice trade thru setting up of post empires and seizing it force.
You should give more details, though.
If you mean to Brainly, I think that more options should be added for more students to join.