Here is the full question:
<span>Struggling, unpublished writers are sure that publishers, who seek out and publish new authors, are nonexistent.
Find and correct the error in this sentence
The correct sentence should be without the second comma:
</span>Struggling, unpublished writers are sure that publishers who seek out and publish new authors are nonexistent.
publishers who seek out and publish new authors are nonexistent is a part of one clause that does not possess two different meaning, so it should not be separated by a comma.
True surprisingly a house can burn down in 10 minutes in 100 degree whether
<span>The point at which supply meets demand and all of a product will usually be purchased is known as what? Equilibrium.</span>
<span>Equilibrium in economics is focused on supply and demand being the same. Balance is key with equilibrium because that's when the two sides are equal and the demand meets the supply on hand.
La conquista romana de Italia . Alrededor de 500 a. C., el idioma latino solo se hablaba en la ciudad de Roma y en el campo circundante.
Resultado de imagen para describir la conquista romana de Italia
La expansión romana en Italia cubre una serie de conflictos en los que Roma pasó de ser una pequeña ciudad-estado italiana a ser la gobernante de la península italiana . ... El nacimiento de la República romana después del derrocamiento del monarca etrusco de Roma en 509 a. C. comenzó una serie de guerras importantes entre los romanos y los etruscos.
If you look up each word you will learn the difference of each.