All of these are adaptations used to enable pr otists move except for B.spores , because they are used in asexual reproduction.
The heads of phospholipids are hydrophilic while the tails are hydrophobic
<u><em>Starfish</em></u> reproduce every winter by ejecting there eggs into the water, since they only live on average 35 years they reproduce about 35 times in their lifetime. Only a couple of the eggs will fertilize and turn into a Starfish.
<u><em>Hippos</em></u> are the only mammals in Africa that reproduce in water, Hippos reproduce in May and through June. Hippos usually live to around 40 to 50 years, and most hippos through May and June reproduce more than one time.
Hippos strategies of reproducing are better than Starfish.
the atom that is most closely associated to living things is carbon