People who know him say that he is egosyntonic.
When it comes to egosyntonic character, it refers to people who manage to stay calm and collected in any situation. In this case, Jamal remains the same no matter what the situation may be, which is why he was given the promotion because of his level-headedness and the ability to stay cool at all times.
In simple words, While defending perpetrators of international rights abuses is a popular thread that runs across almost all contemporary governments, who they endorse and just how much they endorse changes dramatically based on the democratic environment. For example, if a US adversary was abusing human rights, we would undoubtedly be outspoken in our assistance, but if a US ally was doing so, we would likely only turn a blind eye.
Consumers must choose among alternative goods with their limited money incomes. The Utility Maximization rule states: consumers decide to allocate their money incomes so that the last dollar spent on each product purchased yields the same amount of extra marginal utility.
Kush was influenced greatly by Egypt: clothing, temples, calling their rulers pharaohs and burying them in pyramids. * *Kush had many elements of their culture that were unique such as their houses, and written language.