5 hours 25 minutes
It takes 25 minutes to finish a hole
It takes 25*13 minutes to finish 13 holes
325 minutes is require to finish 13 holes
Convert 325 minutes to hours and minutes by dividing it by 60
=5 5/12 hours
Convert 5/12 hours to minutes by multiplying by 60
=25 minutes
The answer is 5 hours 25 minutes
Option A. is the correct answer the other three are not professional behaviour if you would like an explanation as to why they are not just comment
Draw = function() {
if () {
if (keyCode === ){
else if (keyCode === ) {
Option (d) is the correct answer.
An Array is used to store multiple variables in the memory in the continuous memory allocation on which starting index value is starting from 0 and the last index value location is size-1.
In java programming language the array.length is used to tells the size of the array so when the user wants to get the value of the last element, he needs to print the value of (array.length-1) location so the correct statement for the java programming language is to print the last element in the array named ar is--
No option provides the above statement, so option d (None of these) is correct while the reason behind the other option is not correct is as follows--
- Option a will prints the size of the array.
- Option b also gives the error because length is an undeclared variable.
- Option c will give the error of array bound of an exception because it begs the value of the size+1 element of the array.