To add fractions with different denominators you must convert the denominators into the lowest common factor. Aka the multiple they all go into. You then times the numerator by what you timsed the denominator by to make sure they both have the same denominator.
They both go into 10.
4/10+4/10= 8/10. 2 became 4 because 5x2=10.
I hope this helped!
You could also simplify 8/10 into 4/5z
A. is the answer
The hammer in the first position is raised and ready to hit the nail on the head. This is called potential energy. It has a lot of energy stored inside of it but it won't get used until we allow it to hit the nail. That is why it is not kinetic energy but only potential. Think of it just as when we say something has the potential to do something.
Here is an example! Hope it helps
What are the options
Sorry I can't help
I think it is a Lepidoptera
have a nice day :)