I think Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most remembered artists today because of his expressive use of vivid colour and emphatic brush work. Van Gogh inspires many young artists to this day because of his unique style and bright palette.
Answer: Graffiti is considers vandalism unless someone allows you to do it.
Explanation: Graffiti would be called art if you were doing it on your home or in a studio. If you do it on someone property or on the streets, that considered vandalism and illegal. Its almost like your trying to claim someones property by doing illegal art. It ridiculous. YoU hAvE a HoUsE tO dO iT iN!
Because a certain someone decided to delete my message, Hi! I'm back trying to explain to you thick heads the answer.
Simply put, leading lines is an image composition technique that features line shapes—like, say, a road or river—to draw the viewer's eye to the intended subject of the photograph. Whenever people look at an image, our eyes are naturally drawn to the lines present within it.
Answer el protagonista de la histiroria trada de liberar a sue pueblo la bruja karaba que priva al provado etc