We shouldn't have to. It should be optional
The first reason is the students need a break if we do too much school work it will cause a lot of stress. Another reason is the teachers need a break from teaching to spend time with their families and grade papers.
Throughout the horrors of his captivity, Wiesel states that he needed to be strong for his father. He needed to survive for his father. After his father's death, he no longer feels as though he has anything to live for. It can be assumed that he no longer paid attention to the world around him. His lack of detail about that is due to the fact that he no longer cared about what was going on.
No it is not. It is an adverb phrase since it lacks a subordinating conjunction.
Adverb clauses must be preceded or started by a subordinating conjunction such as after, if, because or although. For a sentence to qualify as an adverb clause it must include in its body a subject and a verb.
As a general rule you can use the following formula:
An adverb clause equals a subordinate conjunction plus a subject plus a verb, and it should be answering how? when? where? or why?
The correct answer is option C.
Leo Tolstoy contrasts the characters of Gerasim and Ivan Ilyich in The Death of Ivan Ilyich by showing that Ivan Ilyich doesn’t treat Gerasim as his son, but Gerasim treats Ivan as his father.
Even though in several ocassions during the novella Ivan doesn't seem to treat Gerasim as his son but Geraism still continues to treat his father as such, with respect.