Embora ambas as ideologias negassem a importância do indivíduo, o fascismo italiano via o indivíduo como subserviente ao estado, enquanto o nazismo via o indivíduo, bem como o estado, como, em última instância, subserviente à raça. No entanto, a subserviência ao estado nazista também era uma exigência para a população.
Phototypesetting is a method of setting type, rendered obsolete with the popularity of the ... The photographic paper or film is then fed into a processor—a machine that pulls the paper or film strip through two or three baths of chemicals—where it emerges ready for paste-up or film make-up. Later phototypesetting machines ...
The declaration claims that Britain failed to meet its responsibilities to the colonist (A.)
The correct answer is A) They had differing ideas about a powerful national government.
After the Revolutionary War, states were consistently worried about the power of the national (central) government. Considering that one of the biggest reasons for breaking away from England was a tyrannical central government, helps to understand why there were differing ideas about the structure of the American govenrment when the US became independent.
This is why the United States, under the Articles of Confederation, had a small and weak central government. Some states liked this while other states felt that this central govenrment was too weak to function effectively.
Yes, I’m writing this on my jet pack right now. It’s pretty windy up here but yeah, we can fly.