Mi hermano quiere ser pintor ¡pero no <u>SABE</u> pintar!
Nosotros no <u>CONOCEMOS</u> al nuevo dependiente. ¿Es amable?
No recuerdo bien dónde está el centro comercial, pero <u>SÈ</u> que está cerca de aquí.
Pablo, ¿<u>CONOCES</u> al joven de camisa roja que habla con tu novia?
Mis tíos viven en el campo y no C<u>ONOCEN</u> la ciudad.
¿<u>SABE</u> usted cuánto cuestan las sandalias anaranjadas?
<u>SABER </u>: Knowing is a verb that refers to the act of <em>annotating or acquiring knowledge of something.</em> The concept is also often used as a synonym for knowledge or wisdom.
<u>CONOCER: </u>To know is to <em>find out, through intellectual abilities, the nature, quality and relationships of things.</em> Knowing is an action that the subject performs in order to have a notion or idea of something or someone and, thus, to be able to decide and act in relation to it. The knowledge is based on research to obtain information and knowledge about a subject, matter or science. It is also distinguishing one thing over another.