I think it is because it might be because it is a cheaper way to get noticed and it may be faster.
If you'd like it to be longer just tell me
There's no official answer, it's pretty much saying "Who did the first shot in the Boston Massacre?"
However, the term "Hip-Hop" was coined by Keith Cowboy, who was a rapper with Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.
The origin of Hip-Hop was in the 70's when there were block parties in the Bronx and the crowd was mainly African-American.
Some would say DJ Kool Herc is the person who started it.
The twelve symphonies written for the concert manager j. p. salomon for performance at his public concerts are also known as the london symphonies, for the city in which they were first.
Haydn's Symphony No. 94 (The Surprise Symphony) was one of Haydn's twelve London symphonies. There are numerous musical jokes and surprises sprinkled throughout the work but the most famous surprise appears in the second movement.
The second movement opens with a quiet violin section, with eight bars played piano (quiet) followed by eight more bars played pianissimo (very quiet). Suddenly, at the end of the 16 bars, the rest of the orchestra joins in for one single G-major chord played fortissimo (very loud). This surprise only occurs once in the piece and is not repeated.
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