Andesite and diorite are common rocks of the continental crust above subduction zones. They generally form after an oceanic plate melts during its descent into the subduction zone to produce a source of magma.
The correct answer is " Wealthiest countries of South America "
the correct answer is D. Asia
your welcome
Genetic modification is a special set of gene technology that alters the genetic machinery of such living organisms as animals, plants or microorganisms. Combining genes from different organisms is known as recombinant DNA technology and the resulting organism is said to be ‘Genetically modified (GM)’, ‘Genetically engineered’ or ‘Transgenic’. The principal transgenic crops grown commercially in field are herbicide and insecticide resistant soybeans, corn, cotton and canola. Other crops grown commercially and/or field-tested are sweet potato resistant to a virus that could destroy most of the African harvest, rice with increased iron and vitamins that may alleviate chronic malnutrition in Asian countries and a variety of plants that are able to survive weather extremes. There are bananas that produce human vaccines against infectious diseases such as hepatitis B, fish that mature more quickly, fruit and nut trees that yield years earlier and plants that produce new plastics with unique properties. But here is one thing I learned. GMO Is a very bad issue since basically people are spraying chemicals on the plants which we eat. There are these 2 things I want you to know whne your in a store picking out your food. Organic vegetables? Good! it doesn't say organic or anything? that means it's not organic it's usually 98% GM in my opinion. GMO can affect your body and how it functions. I Hope this helps! it took so long to write! Please comment if I helped!