The Killke people occupied the region from 900 to 1200 CE, prior to the arrival of the Inca in the 13th century. Carbon-14 dating of Saksaywaman, the walled complex outside Cusco, established that Killke constructed the fortress about 1100 CE. The Inca later expanded and occupied the complex in the 13th century.
Traductor!! El pueblo Killke ocupó la región del 900 al 1200 d.C., antes de la llegada de los incas en el siglo XIII. La datación por carbono-14 de Saksaywaman, el complejo amurallado en las afueras de Cusco, estableció que Killke construyó la fortaleza alrededor del 1100 d.C. El Inca luego expandió y ocupó el complejo en el siglo XIII.
British aristocracy had a lot of money but in general they weren't allowed to do any work. They would have to devote to things like art or or philosophy or such things. They used the money to invest into businesses and participate in such a way that was allowed for them by the society. They helped develop numerous new innovations with their money.
Africa has very limited resources but Europe and America still produce good and other goods.