Well, all prophets are also Messengers, Prophets send messages from god, therefore makes them a messenger too. A prophet's role is to deliver the words and wisdom of god to the people who are unaware of gods power and greatness.
For an example, there is Prophet Muhammad (Sallalhu alahi was salam) he was the greatest prophet/Messenger to ever walk the face of this earth, he delivered speeches and lectures to the people to turn to god before it was too late and he was just an amazing guy, the noblest and most beneficial person to ever speak words of Wisdom.I hope I've helped and thank you for visiting Brainly!
Ancient India cast system
"Nilda" written by Nicholasa Mohr reflects the discrimination suffered by women. Some examples of these are:
- Mama's efforts to take care of her large family—five children, sick husband, crazy aunt, and pregnant girl friend of one son.
- When Nilda is sent to a Catholic charity camp and forced along with other girls to take nightly doses of milk of magnesia by a terrifying, smiling nun. She is really humilliated.
- Miss Reilly, a language teacher who is trying to teach Castilian Spanish to her class of Rican students.