The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) provided $500 million ($9.88 billion today) for relief operations by states and cities, while the short-lived CWA gave locals money to operate Make-work projects in 1933–1934. The Securities Act of 1933 was enacted to prevent a repeated stock market crash.
Outcome: Reform of Wall Street; relief for farm...
Organized by: President Franklin D. Roose
1. P
2. P
3. IC
4. DC
5. P
6. IC
7. DC
8. DC
9. IC
10. DC
11. DC
12. IC
13. P
14. P
15. DC
16. IC
17. IC
18. P
19. DC
20. P
21. P
22. DC
23. P
24. DC
25. P
26. IC
27. DC
28. IC
29. IC
30. DC
31. P
32. IC
33. DC
34. DC
35. DC
36. IC
37. IC
38. DC
39. DC
40. DC
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Possessive pronoun or possessive adjective