¿De qué catedral y peregrinos hablas?
Answer:Peasants were unhappy with the depletion of royal coffers, two decades of poor harvests, drought, cattle disease and skyrocketing bread prices. Peasants had heavy taxes imposed on them while the Catholic Church was got off scot-free.
The Nazi loss in the Battle of the Bulge sealed the Third Reich's fate-- the Allies were free to invade Germany, causing its downfall.
The single candidate voting method that prevails by far is A first-past-the-post (also called "plural", "relative majority", or "winner takes all"), in which each voter votes on a choice, and the choice that receives the most votes wins, even if it receives less than the majority of votes combined.
This sort of system tends to quickly create favorites and concentrate the options so the votes "won't be lost" during the election by trying to elect a candidate that is less known (many candidates are prematurely dropped for the perceived notion of "not-standing-a-change" against bigger parties).
Of the restrictions placed on the presidency by the War Powers Act.
The WPA prevents the president from authorizing relations to war without the approval of congress.