Given that the World population changed little between this time, we can gather than the birth and death rates were similar, since they seem to cancel each other out from 1200-1400. To clarify, think of this. If you add something to a total (think births to population), but take away the same number (think deaths from population) you end up with the same total as before. Because of this, A is the correct answer choice (The birth rate and death rate were about equal).
Your question could mean one of two different things.
You could be asking "How do I figure out the longitude and latitude
of, let's say, Killeen, Texas."
The answer to that is: You look on a map or a globe that has latitude
and longitude lines printed on it, find Killeen, Texas, and estimate its
coordinates as well as you can from the lines printed nearest to it.
Or you could be asking "If I'm out in the middle of the ocean at night,
how do I figure out the longitude and latitude of where I am ?"
I'm afraid the answer to that is far too complicated to write here.
All I can say is: The science of "Navigation" was developed over a period
of hundreds of years. If you look at the history of sea exploration through
the centuries, you see how the explorers ventured farther and farther from
their home ports as time went on. The reason for that is that they were
developing better and better methods of figuring out where they were as
they sailed.
And about 20 years ago, that all changed. Drastically. Now, anybody at all
can walk into his neighborhood sporting-goods store, and buy a little device
that fits in his shirt pocket or in the palm of his hand, and whenever he has a
view of the sky, it can give him the latitude and longitude of the place where
he's standing, more accurately than the best navigators in the US Navy or
the British Armada could ever calculate it before.
That was when countries started putting up bunches of little satellites
to broadcast signals to our pocket receivers.
The satellites that the US put up are called the Global Positioning System . . .
the GPS.
The ozone layer is comprised of ozone, an atom which is constructed of 3 oxygen molecules.
Hope that helped =)
cyneon hexane
there are 6 carbons in the bond and the functional group of CN is cynaide...
The service sector jobs that have increased in importance differ in some significant respects from traditional manufacturing jobs. Service industries have a higher incidence of part-time and temporary workers, rely more on unpaid overtime and make greater use of flexible work arrangements. At the same time, the proportion of workers with at least a university degree is, on average, higher in services than in manufacturing, suggesting that work is becoming more knowledge-intensive. An examination of labour shifts alongside a previous analysis that used Census data to determine the knowledge intensity of different industries indicates that structural change is indeed supporting Canada's evolution towards a knowledge-based economy
A decomposition of labour compensation growth over 1976–79 to 2001–05 resulted in findings that were generally similar to those derived from the shift-share analysis of productivity growth.