Nationalism was a prominent force in early 20th century Europe and a significant cause of World War I. Nationalism is an intense form of patriotism or loyalty to one’s country. Nationalists exaggerate the importance or virtues of their home country, placing its interests above those of other nations. The effects of this growing nationalism were an inflated confidence in one’s nation, its government, economy and military power. Many nationalists also became blind to the faults of their own nation. In matters of foreign affairs or global competition, they were convinced that their country was fair, righteous and beyond fault.
In contrast, nationalists criticised rival nations to the point of demonisation, caricaturing them as aggressive, scheming, deceitful, backward or uncivilised. Nationalist press reports convinced many readers the interests of their country were being threatened by the plotting, scheming and hungry imperialism of its rivals.
If you look at the map of Africa, many borders are straight lines. (compare it to the borders in Europe, for example). However, Africa was not an empty land, but full of cultures and ethnic groups, and those groups were split when the straight lines were drawn and some groups hostile to each other were put in the same country. This created ethnic tensions
The 1830 Revolution ended the rule of Charles X over France, and Louis Philippe was placed on the French throne. Some of the causes of the French Revolution was the severe economic problems beginning in 1846 brought untold hardship in France to the lower-middle class, workers, and peasants.
i'm pretty sure that most anti-federalists represented the southern states which were on plantations and small farms that were plentiful that is why most anti-federalists believed that farming should be the basis of the u.s. economy