Alexander Hamilton was known to openly support Various forms of Federalist polciies, which are backed by bankers and wealthy businessmen.
At that time, the majority people in the north were influenced with anti-federalist ideology, so they would pretty much disagree with or even despise Hamilton's policies.
To the Great Lakes is the the answer.
True. it was ruled that blacks and whites could be expected to go to separate places as long as they were equal<span />
<em>In matriarchal societies women hold the power position, social privilege and control of property</em>. The Eastern woodland Indians lived east of the plains Indians. like other Indians they also used to depend on the natural resources. Because they lived in forests , they came to be called as Eastern Indians. All their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, tools and weapons were from forests. Their villages were near lakes or streams. The Cherokee, Mound Builders and Iroquois were important Woodland tribes, they used to live in longhouses and wigwams. In all of these eastern woodland societies the women held prestigious positions.