<span>Businesses and citizens acted for their individual
best interest. Many people blamed Hoover because he was president at the
time, but it was not his fault because the people of that time acted
under their own interest and no one volunteered. Hope this helps.
The answer is A, the French government along with the Belgian government occupied the industrial rhur valley to make up for unpaid reparations.
B. the Catholic and Anglican Churches were equal in the eyes of God
The purpose of the Council was to denounce alleged heresies by the Protestant Church.
To shorten the journey from the East Coast to the West Coast cutting the time in half.
On 22 June 1941, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union. Stalin was confident that the total Allied war machine would eventually stop Germany,
and with Lend Lease from the West, the Soviets stopped the Wehrmacht some 30 kilometers (or 18.6 miles) from Moscow. Over the next four years, the Soviet Union repulsed Axis offensives, such as at the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk, and pressed forward to victory in large Soviet offensives, such as the Vistula–Oder Offensive.
The bulk of Soviet fighting took place on the Eastern Front—including a continued war with Finland—but it also invaded Iran (August 1941) in cooperation with the British and late in the war attacked Japan (August 1945), with which the Soviets had border wars earlier up until in 1939.