I had stolen a lot of things and got caught by a security camera. I did not need the things but I was young and afraid to ask for them. instead of facing the consequences I ran away for a day and eventually went back home. I learned that no matter what you do, facing the problem head on has a much better chance of you being able to explain yourself and getting a better outcome. running from your problems will lead to the worst possible outcome
1. The Jews from the Diaspora began to revolt against their neighbors (Egypt, Cyprus, Africa, Mesopotamia, etc.)
* They rebelled because there was many messianic yearning
* They loved the idea of having a Messiah and thought they would win the War against the Romans
2. The attempt Hadrian tried to rebuild the Temple but it didn't succeed. Temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount
3. Hadrian tried to build a new city Aelia Capitolina
4. Hadrian renamed Judea to Palestine
5. Hadrian also outlawed Shabbat, Circumcision, and learning of Torah
6. Led by Bar Kochba
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Answer: He is referring to his discovery that the secret to a creative writing for him was using a method of word-association to write fiction.
Explanation: He would get up every morning and write down at his desk any string of words that would come to him. Then he would begin to develop a story from it.
He would take walks along familiar places and go down memory lane writing on acquintances and loved ones he once knew or that had passed on.
c) chores
(this is just filler to meet the word requrement)