Brazil would be the best choice for a year-round agricultural cycle
The scale of a map is the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. This simple concept is complicated by the curvature of the Earth's surface, which forces scale to vary across a map. Because of this variation, the concept of scale becomes meaningful in two distinct ways.
Fertilizer: The ash from the volcanoes can act as extra nutrients for plants. The chemicals in the ash can make the soil richer which is beneficial for many plants.
Tourism: Volcanoes can attract people from all over the world. This can cause people to pay in order to visit. This can be beneficial to people who like in the area, since they can make money off of the tourist
Research: Volcanoes can allow humans to better understand the earth. They can also learn the patterns of the volcano's eruptions or the seismic activity leading up to the eruption.
Entertainment: Volcanoes can be used as entertainment. For example, people go on hikes or study the environment. This can lead to discoveries also.