B>>>>>> “seared in the flames of withering injustice”
The purpose of a <em>High-school or College Transcript</em> is to display and indicate the <em>experience and education taken</em> by the student that might count as credit or quality for eventual promotions.
So a transcript is essentially the official record of an academic performance, listing <em>all courses taken</em> and <em>given grades</em>, including <em>every class</em>, when they were taken and sometimes including <em>test scores</em> and <em>received honors</em>, <em>grade average</em> and sometimes also <em>attendance rating</em>; it's basically <em>an inventory of the</em> <em>courses and grades</em> throughout the process.
Thereby the least likely to be included from that list would be (C): <em>"Minor disciplinary affairs"</em>
Clarity means that your message should be easy to understand. The first question he asked is whether the ideas are understandable or not, this indicated the very definition of clarity. In second question he's asking whether he used plain English and familiar words, again this means he's emphasizing that whether he has included words which are easily understandable for the receiver. And in the last part he's asking whether his message need further explanations which again means he's talking about clarity in the message.
For an hour on Saturday, joe worked, Fay played.
Famous, respective, and deserving authority. Like George Washington the first president of the united states, he helped our nation or country. Not really like the book legend. Of course, for good deeds, like being kind.