5% is 0.05 in decimals. To get 5% of M, multiply it. To convert a percentage into decimals, divide the number by 100. 20/100 is 0.2. 0.2 is the tip. Do the same as 0.05 and add in the actual cost of the meal (M). Check image
but it would make more sense in a lot of cases if it was 5.2/5
12*11*10"9*8 whatever that turns out to be lol
X = 4.3, -0.3
Step-by-step explanation:
Write the answer with like a line on top of the 2 threes that you see
Mark me as brainliest!!
x = 9
Step-by-step explanation:
First step, divide both sides by pi to get rid of it entirely; you should be left with x - 8 = 1 (because when you divide a value by itself, you always get 1, so pi divided by pi gives you 1)
Second step, add 8 to both sides, leaving you with x = 9