Alfred Doolittle is a smooth-talking garbage man, a serial monogamist (although he's not always really<span> married), a drunk, and a deadbeat dad. He's got a lot to say about "middle class morality" and complicated theories about the deserving and undeserving poor. He has principles, too, but they're not exactly conventional: he has no trouble milking five pounds from Higgins, but he doesn't want anymore than that. He wants just enough money to have a few drinks and some fun.</span>
In order to understand Doolittle, you have to understand how he speaks. This exchange is notable:
<span>DOOLITTLE ["most musical, most melancholy"] I'll tell you, Governor, if you'll only let me get a word in. I'm willing to tell you. I'm wanting to tell you. I'm waiting to tell you.
HIGGINS. Pickering: this chap has a certain natural gift of rhetoric. Observe the rhythm of his native woodnotes wild. "I'm willing to tell you: I'm wanting to tell you: I'm waiting to tell you." Sentimental rhetoric! That's the Welsh strain in him. It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.</span><span> (2.232-3)</span>
He is the sum of his mysterious speaking ability. You can describe what Doolittle's saying with all sorts of fancy Greek words, but it's enough to note how he repeats those three phrases that Higgins singles out, and how his speech is sort of singsong-y. Whether or not we believe what Doolittle's talking about doesn't matter, it sounds nice. These skills get Doolittle into trouble when Higgins nominates him for some such speaking position…and he gets it, along with a generous income. He can't handle all the money; he doesn't want to be "touched" – asked to spare some change – in the same way he touched Higgins.
<span>Doolittle demonstrates how powerful and potentially dangerous words can be. Lucky for us, his intentions are (mostly) honorable. He's the character most prone to lecturing – yes, even more so than Higgins – and though his theories may not be entirely logical, his little sermons do raise some issues regarding class relations. Think of him this way: he's a stereotype of a drunken poor guy…with an oratorical twist.</span>
The <em>F</em>act That Tommy Is a Real Indian
Explanation: Read the ball Hawk story and you'll have more information that you will need
In the poem the speaker says, "The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
" At the very beginning of the poem the speaker personifies Death. When she says, "Because I could not stop for Death - He kindly stopped for me". This idea that Death stops for the speaker, personifies Death and makes him a character in the poem. This means that "Ourselves" refers to the speaker and Death.
Some people have argued that since Death is personified, so is Immortality and therefore Immortality is also riding in the Carriage with the speaker and Death. However, this is not a widely accepted interpretation.