En marzo de 1959, la obra Una pasa al sol de Lorraine Hansberry debutó en Broadway con excelentes críticas. A sus 29 años, la autora se convirtió en la primera afro que ganó el codiciado Premio del Círculo de Críticos de Teatro de Nueva York. La trama, basada en el racismo que padeció su familia, gira en torno a una familia negra que intenta comprar una casa en un barrio blanco de Chicago.
Number 2 is showing compare and contrast because similar and different are syninyms to compare and cotrast. They are both asking for the same thing.
Champollion and others used Coptic and other languages to help them work out other words, but the Rosetta Stone was the key to hieroglyphic. This picture shows us how Champollion worked out what all the hieroglyphs in the two names were. This made it a lot easier to read other Egyptian words now.
I learned this last year
The leadership on the farm is a dictatorship. The pigs have all the power and choose who lives and dies. They also much like the Russian government take everything for themselves and make the people of lesser status do all of the work.