Athens was its undisputed leader and gradually used the alliance as a springboard for its own imperial ambitions. By 454, when the League's treasury was transferred to Athens and used to fund monuments of imperial splendor such as the Parthenon, it had become an empire in all but name.
This money was supposed to build the power of the league. ... The result of the Delian League's treasury being moved to Athens from Delos was Athens power was strengthened and they starting to treat the other members of the league as if they were conquered people, not allies.
The bank wants to give you an incentive to pay back the loan. If they did not hold your assets as collateral, you could simply fail to pay back the loan and really not lose anything other than your credit score. Many borrowers already have tarnished credit scores, so that is rarely enough incentive to base a loan on.
I would put this into your own words considering I copied and pasted it. Other than that I hope this helps!
Could you rephrase your question please?
#6 Fair trial
If they have no evidence then they don't have the right to go into her aparment and the quote "Innocent until proven guilty" Is good to memorize for questions like this.
Still, while women were highly valued participants in Mongol society, they still held less rank than their fathers, husbands and brothers. Work was divided between men and women; the men handled the herds and went to battle, and women raised the gers, made the clothes, milked the animals, made cheese and cooked the food. Men and women raised their children together. Children of the Mongols did not attend a school; rather they learned from their families the roles and work of men and women. Mongol children had toys and played games, much as children of any culture.