This is such a pretty poem and I love it. I think where it says: That he leaves you so so stunned Do you try to get closer but end up getting burned
you should make that 2 lines, cut it off after the word stunned.
I also think that on the last line you should say in the night instead of and the night. Overall though this poems is amazing!
When you summarize, you take the main points of a story and write in in a few sentences. You want to make sure you hit all the key parts of the story and don't focus on the small details. If you were telling a friend about a movie you saw, you would by describe the major events, but not the little moments. That would be summarizing. You can do this with any book,movie,story etc. :)
Words that end in<span> -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, </span>will<span> require an -es for the </span>plural<span>: .... But note that some inconsistency is acceptable in </span>all<span> but the most formal writing: ...</span>
Somebody started taking stuff out of your cart and only replaced it with a piece of paper and a pen. You were so mad because you had already paid for all of the stuff.
Mr. Walter Cunningham and a cluster of his companions have all gone to the prison to attempt to lynch Tom Robinson before his trial. They are beginning to undermine Atticus to attempt to get him off the beaten path when Jem and Scout arrive. Scout diffuses the energy of the posse without realizing that she is doing it.