The surrender concluded a standoff that began with South Carolina’s secession from the Union on December 20, 1860
Because the world was struggling harshly and motivations were becoming pointless, a simple thing like talking could help beyond measures, hope this helps.
B. Should the Constitution include a list of rights guaranteed to citizens?
Essentially, the basis of the two sides were this: the federalists believed in a strong federal government, and thought the U.S. Constitution would be effective with the listed checks and balances. They were afraid of disorder, and believed a strong federal gov't was necessary to combat this. The anti-federalists believed an additional bill detailing the people's rights should be added because they distrusted the supposed checks and balances. They feared a strong central gov't would lead to an oppression similar to the British monarchy at the time.
C. Christian, Germanic, and Roman
I would say 2 and 3. It seems to make sense