Musa said that she was feeling ill.
D. Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping cannot be used together in a situation.
Option D is correct, because problem-focused coping involves different strategies or development. These strategies may include, solving the problem oneself, taking help from someone else to solve the problem, detaching oneself from the problem (e.g <em>it's not my problem</em>). These strategies can never help in coping emotional stresses. Strategies to cope emotional stresses may include, distraction (keeping oneself busy in something), emotional disclosure (expressing one's emotions fully by writing or talking to someone), spiritual guidance/attachment (praying, and/or contentment), catharsis (the purification emotions through art) etc.
Option A is not correct because death of family member is an emotional stress (which cannot be solved, but only coped) and not a problem (which can be solved)
Option B is not correct because life's problems are problems (which can be solved), they are not emotions.
Option C is incorrect because emotion-focused coping does give good outcomes, as does problem-focused coping.
1.) characters get intorduced: this is important for the overal story and some of the struggles/hopes of the kids.
2.) T.J tells the kids about the man being burnt: the kids didnt know this because their mother wanted to protect them from that knowledge, but T.J's mouth runs like water, so he scared Little Man and Christopher John.
3.) Jeremy joins the kids on their walk to school even though he gets in trouble for it: this shows that unlike his family, who are racist to the core, jeremy is a good kid who just likes the Logan family, despite them being black.
4.) Cassie and Little man, who are sharing a classroom despite their grade differences, are given books that are worn out and dirty, and we see the pride in both little man and cassie, which plays a huge role throughout the book.
5.)Cassie goes to talk to her mother about her and little man getting a whipping because they didnt accept he books: their teacher, mrs.crocker, has already confronted the kids mother and their mom just takes the books and begins to fix them. covering the work "Nigra" with a piece of paper and some glue, she makes the books less offensive because she wants her kids to have an education.
6.) Both cassie and little man's pride prevented them from taking the books. this shows that even though it was really hard for african americans to get an education at that time, they were willing to risk it then be called offensive words and given dirty old books
C) Giving an object human characteristics.
According to the French dictionary Petit Robert, it "perhaps" originally came from Italian, "Bombagia", meaning cotton.
Ref: 1220; o. i., p.-ê. de l'it. bombagia « coton
Note: Agreed, the word beige most recently came from French. I went too far back to 1220!
(edited 2018-03-08)