The children fail at first,but work together to separate their parents.
(A) stream of consciousness
The stream of consciousness is a relatively new literary technique used by modern writers in which the writer takes a reader into the mind of the character and is allowed insight into his/her conscious and unconscious thoughts and desires. The fragmented sentences are used to represent the way thoughts keep jumping about in our minds.
The positive connotation for noisy it think would be "participative".
The definition, according to Merriam-Webster is as follows:
Definition of participative<span>. : relating to or involving participation; especially : of, relating to, or being a style of management in which subordinates participate in decision making.</span>
He turns quiet and unassuming
The The Things They Carried characters covered include: Tim O'Brien, Jimmy ... Bob “Rat” Kiley, Curt Lemon, Ted Lavender, Lee Strunk, Dave Jensen, Azar, ... is quiet and unassuming, and Kiowa's death has a profound effect on him. ... he later apologizes, redeeming himself as a medic by patching things up with O'Brien